How to Access CPI Trainings and Tools


1. If you work with an OMH-licensed/funded, OASAS-certified/ funded, Care Management Providers (e.g., CMA), NYS VA behavioral health program or a NYS not-for-profit behavioral health program, please click here to complete a brief application to access CPI’s training and tools. 


2. If you are looking for Cultural Competency Training AND you work in a FOR-profit agency, for an agency that provides services OTHER than behavioral health, or are in private practice, please click here to access cultural competency training through Think Cultural Health. The training is online, free, and offers several provider-specific options.


3. If you work outside of NYS, work within a for-profit entity, or your agency is not licensed or certified by OMH, OASAS, or the NYS VA, CPI Learning Solutions can contract with your agency to provide innovative, evidence-based behavioral healthcare training.

If you are interested in accessing OnTrackUSA resources for first episode psychosis and are working outside of NYS, please click here.

If you work outside of NYS and are interested in suicide prevention, please use our Suicide Prevention trainings or visit the Zero Suicide initiative website.

If you are interested in downloading PDFs (free) or ordering bound copies (small fee) of the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) manual, Individual Placement and Support (IPS) manual or Wellness Self-Management (WSM) manual , please click here.