
1. Introduction

2. You Are Diagnosed With Mental Illness

3. What is Your Goal for Treatment?

4. You Have Been Prescribed Psychiatric Medication

5. Using Meds is a Journey

Worksheets and Posters for the Foundations Videos Above


# Video# Video Name Worksheet Name & Link
1 Video 1 Introduction The Life I want for Myself
2 Video 1 Introduction La Vida Que Quiero Para Mí
3 Video 2 You are Diagnosed with Mental Illness  I am a person, not an illness
4 Video 2 You are Diagnosed with Mental Illness  Soy una persona, no una enfermedad
5 Video 2 You are Diagnosed with Mental Illness  My dreams are the stars that guide me
6 Video 2 You are Diagnosed with Mental Illness  Mis sueños son las estrellas que guían
7 Video 2 You are Diagnosed with Mental Illness  I am a person, not an illness - Poster
8 Video 2 You are Diagnosed with Mental Illness  Soy una persona, no una enfermedad - Poster
9 Video 2 You are Diagnosed with Mental Illness  I will live my life, not my diagnosis
10 Video 2 You are Diagnosed with Mental Illness  Viviré mi vida, no mi diagnóstico
11 Video 3 What is Your Goal for Treatment My Power Statement
12 Video 3 What is Your Goal for Treatment Mi Power Statement
13 Video 4 You Have Been Prescribed Psychiatric Medication My Personal Medicine
14 Video 4 You Have Been Prescribed Psychiatric Medication Mi Personal Medicine
15 Video 5 Using Meds is a Journey Exploring My Challenges
16 Video 5 Using Meds is a Journey Explorando Mis Desafios

Exploring My Challenges

1. Are Meds Helping You?

2. I Have Side Effects...

3. I'm Concerned How Meds Might Affect My Health

4. I Like to Get High

5. I'm Not Motivated to Take Meds

6. I'm Questioning Meds

7. My Meds Have Changed Me in Ways I Don't Like

8. I'm Tired of Taking Meds

9. Implicit Racial Bias

Worksheets and Posters for the Exploring my Challenges Videos Above


# Video#  Video Name Worksheet Name & Link
1 Video 1 Are Meds Helping You? How I Will Know Medicine is Helping Me: Anti-Anxiety Meds
2 Video 1 Are Meds Helping You? Cómo sabré que la medicina me está ayudando: medicamentos contra la ansiedad
3 Video 1 Are Meds Helping You? How I Will Know Medicine is Helping Me: Antidepressant Meds
4 Video 1 Are Meds Helping You? Cómo sabré que la medicina me está ayudando: medicamentos antidepresivos
5 Video 1 Are Meds Helping You? How I Will Know Medicine is Helping Me: Antipsychotic Meds
6 Video 1 Are Meds Helping You?  Cómo sabré que la medicina me está ayudando: medicamentos antipsicóticos
7 Video 1 Are Meds Helping You? How I Will Know Medicine is Helping Me: Mood Stabilizing Meds 
8 Video 1 Are Meds Helping You? Cómo sabré que la medicina me está ayudando: medicamentos estabilizadores del estado de ánimo
9 Video 2 I Have Side Effects... My Side Effect Plan
10 Video 2 I Have Side Effects... Mi plan para efectos secundarios
11 Video 3 I'm Concerned How Meds Might Affect My Health Meds and My Health
12 Video 3 I'm Concerned How Meds Might Affect My Health Los medicamentos y mi salud
13 Video 4 I Like To Get High Tips of Cutting Back or Quitting
14 Video 4 I Like To Get High Consejos para reducir o dejar de fumar
15 Video 4 I Like To Get High Harm Reduction Tips: Alcohol
16 Video 4 I Like To Get High Consejos para la reducción de daños: alcohol
17 Video 4 I Like To Get High Harm Reduction Tips: Cannabis
18 Video 4 I Like To Get High Consejos para la reducción de daños: cannabis
19 Video 5 I'm Not Motivated To Take Meds Finding Personal Motivation to Use Psych Meds
20 Video 5 I'm Not Motivated To Take Meds Encontrar la motivación personal para utilizar la medicina psiquiátrica
21 Video 6 I'm Questioning Meds Tips for Reducing Mental Health Medication
22 Video 6 I'm Questioning Meds Consejos para reducir los medicamentos para la salud mental
23 Video 6 I'm Questioning Meds My Exploration Tracker
24 Video 6 I'm Questioning Meds Mi rastreador de exploración
25 Video 7 My Meds Have Changed Me In Ways I Don't Like Balancing My Beliefs and Values
26 Video 7 My Meds Have Changed Me In Ways I Don't Like Equilibrando mis creencias y valores
27 Video 7 My Meds Have Changed Me In Ways I Don't Like Psychiatric Medicine and ME
28 Video 7 My Meds Have Changed Me In Ways I Don't Like Medicina psiquiátrica y yo
29 Video 8 I'm Tired Of Taking Meds Med Fatigue: Advocating for Deprescribing
30 Video 8 I'm Tired Of Taking Meds Fatiga médica: Abrogar por disminuir medicamentos
31 Video 9 Implicit Racial Bias Racial Bias and My Self-Care Plan
32 Video 9 Implicit Racial Bias Sesgo Racial y Mi Plan de Cuidado Personal

Recorded Webinars

1. Pat Deegan's February 3, 2021 Webinar

2. Pat Deegan's March 31, 2021 Webinar